
Healthcare solutions

Health API as a service

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. You can request service health events that are relevant to your Google Cloud project using the Service Health API.


Simplify Healthcare Integrations

APIs to Power Your Healthcare Solutions


Electronic Health Record (EHR) APIs

Access comprehensive health timelines effortlessly, ensuring holistic views of medical history for customers. Streamlined data retrieval and tailored vital sign monitoring enhance treatment manageability.Electronic medical health records enable seamless collaboration among specialists, optimizing patient care and reducing administrative costs.


Electronic Health Record (EHR) APIs

Access comprehensive health timelines effortlessly, ensuring holistic views of medical history for customers. Streamlined data retrieval and tailored vital sign monitoring enhance treatment manageability.Electronic medical health records enable seamless collaboration among specialists, optimizing patient care and reducing administrative costs.


Pharma APIs

Streamlining appointment billing by automatically populating details like patient demographics and procedure codes. Patients can easily access invoices directly, saving time and hassle. Flexible invoice creation and seamless integration with consultation and calendar pages enhance efficiency.


Pharma APIs

Streamlining appointment billing by automatically populating details like patient demographics and procedure codes. Patients can easily access invoices directly, saving time and hassle. Flexible invoice creation and seamless integration with consultation and calendar pages enhance efficiency.


Inventory and Payment APIs

Simplify inventory management with their stock-level option, aiding in quickly identifying quantities and expired batches. Integrated with print, it streamlines accounting by facilitating easy expense uploads. Its expense page offers intuitive features for tracking various payment modes and setting intervals for expense monitoring, catering to diverse needs efficiently.


Inventory and Payment APIs

Simplify inventory management with their stock-level option, aiding in quickly identifying quantities and expired batches. Integrated with print, it streamlines accounting by facilitating easy expense uploads. Its expense page offers intuitive features for tracking various payment modes and setting intervals for expense monitoring, catering to diverse needs efficiently.

Enhancing the Quality of Care Through Streamlined Processes


Access to Comprehensive Health Timelines

Access comprehensive health timelines effortlessly, ensuring holistic views of medical history for customers. Streamlined data retrieval and tailored vital sign monitoring enhance treatment manageability.Electronic medical health records enable seamless collaboration among specialists, optimizing patient care and reducing administrative costs.


Simplified Inventory Management

Inventory management, with its stock-level option, aids in quickly identifying quantities and expired batches.


Streamlined Accounting with Expense Uploads

Integrated with print, it streamlines accounting by facilitating easy expense uploads.


Streamlined Data Retrieval and Vital Sign Monitoring

Streamlined data retrieval and tailored vital sign monitoring enhance treatment manageability.


Intuitive Expense Tracking

The expense page offers intuitive features for tracking various payment modes and setting intervals for expense monitoring, catering to diverse needs efficiently.


Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the LYFnGO Health

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LYFnGO Health uses AI for personalized care, better diagnoses, and efficient workflows. Our Healthcare solutions analyze data for tailored treatments, automate tasks, and offer real-time insights, ensuring accessible and transparent healthcare.

2024 : LYFnGO Pte Ltd